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Florida :"pastor" Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested earlier this month for defying orders to not hold services that attract crowds. |
That's the only conclusion I can reach with these idiots who insisting on opening their churches this pasr Easter Sunday for crowded services, in defiance of local, state and national orders to limit the spread of coronavirus.
Plus, they continue to hold services and are suing to be able to keep doing it.
So much for being "pro-life."
Oh, sure, they're against abortion, saying it "kills babies," but they are plainly all for making the coronavirus pandemic worse by holding these services despite these crowds being the perfect way to spread Covid-19 exponentially.
More people will die than otherwise would had it not been for these idiots. Many of them will be innocent people who unknowingly make contact with these murderers. Thou shall not kill?
Even pandering GOP politicians have gotten into this deadly act.
"Most people want to limit the spread of Covid-19 (but) don't tell is we can't practice our religious freedoms," huffed Kansas Republican Senate President Susan Wagle according to the Wichita Eagle. in an article earlier this month. The paper reports that already, at least three clusters of Kansas Covid-19 outbreaks stemmed from religious services.
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, a Democrat, sued the state's GOP legislative council over that group's decision to overturn Kelly's order to limit the size of religious meetings and funerals to ten people, as HuffPost reports.
Hours before church services were to start on Easter, the Kansas State Supreme Court backed Kelly, saying she had the right to limit groups, including those in churches, to 10 people or less, reports the Kansas City Star.
This battle, of course continues, needlessly, of course.
There's all kinds of local dramas, mostly in the South, with these "religious" people. The guy who operates the Joe My God blog has brilliantly labeled these types as "Branch Covidians."
One of these idiots is Rodney Howard-Browne of The River At Tampa Bay, who was arrested for opening his church a week or two back.
According to The Daily Beast, Howard-Browne said he "would never back down," but did just that for the silliest attempt at a fig leaf.
He said he didn't want an outsider with coronavirus might go to the church to make the faithful sick, or something like that.
As you can tell, I'm completely fed up with these murderous evangelicals. They whine constantly about how persecuted they are, and yet they are arguably afforded more rights and benefits than any other group in this nation. Their persecution complex has always been that they are all miffed beyond belief that not everybody thinks and acts the way they do.
Those smug asses think everybody should act in accordance with their "Christian nation" beliefs.
God forbid. No pun intended.
We all know exactly why the scamevangelists are cynically opening churches and risking their flock and fans. It's all about the collection plate. This stay at home stuff just doesn't fit their business model. Let's face it, most of these "pastors" are filthy rich and are some of the most common grifters out there.
The famous saying is true: There's a sucker born every minute. There's plenty of gullible people who fall for these religious scams. You can't shake their "faith" that attending church in groups is the only way to salvation. Whatever that is.
They tell us God is all powerful. If that's the case, God can hear our prayers whether we're in a church or alone at home.
Plenty of other religious denominations get it. They've closed their church doors and put their services on YouTube, or Facebook Live, or whatever else helps people get access to the church. At last check, God has not struck these responsible churches down. No lightning strikes on the shuttered churches in my town, at least.
Besides, if you believe in God, you should know He gave us a brain. Probably with the assumption we'd use it. Maybe God gave us the power to decide what is right and not right for us and especially for our neighbors. Passing this test is probably more of a mark of decency, religious righteousness and morals than anything else.
The scamevangelicals failed this test, and so did their fans.
I'm sure a lot of these gullible marks have gotten convinced this coronavirus pandemic is some sort of second coming. The End Times. They probably have been so brainwashed by these "pastors" that they'll believe anything. Just as long as the scamevangelicals rake in the dough, right?
In turn, these gullible cultists don't mind killing the rest of us. They know they Way, or so they think.
That persecution complex among these so called religious types is in full force when people try to enforce these big church gatherings.
In Kentucky, about 50 members of the Maryville Baptist Church attended Easter services, in violation of a state order to limit the size of gatherings during this pandemic. Policd took down license plate numbers of these church goers, threatening to quarantine them.
The church is planning a federal lawsuit claiming its constitutional rights were violated. After all, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, right?
However, one can practice their religion and not do it amid a crowd. In his order banning group gatherings, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear banned all large groups, not just religious ones. So no, the governor is not persecuting religious types, despite the whines of the Branch Covidians.
And despite the facts, the Liberty Counsel lawyers who are suing are claiming it was Beshear's intend to focus on churches. Um, yeah. Right. I thought thou shall not lie was in the 10 Commandments, but what do i know?
As constitutional attornry Mitchell Denham told television stations WAVE, "You cannot place people in harm by exercising your religion."
A similar idiotic lawsuit, by the way, is pending in California.
It would be one thing if these religious nutbags were only putting themselves in harms way. But they're doing it to the rest of us, too. Remember, as I said, they demand we be just like them.
But that is the worst role modeling anyone can follow.
The "religious" scammers I've just written about is just one of several groups of villians in this coronavirus outbreak. I'll feature more in coming posts.
That sounds negative, I realize, but now's the time to take down names. When or if this is over, or even doing the evildoers in this pandemic need to be made accountable, just as the many heroes in this episode need to be celebrated forever.
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