I've got three examples. I'm sure there are dozens of examples, but three is all I have the energy for.
So let's go: Even routine traffic stops are practically never routine.'
Take one case last month in which a car blew through a stop sign in Punta Gorda, Florida.
One of the standard questions the police ask you during traffic stops is whether you have anything else on you. The cop wants to make sure there aren't any dangerous guns or other weapons in case things go south during the traffic stop.
The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office said Ariel Machan-Le Quire, 25, answered that she did. Ariel told police she and her companion had been collecting snakes and frogs beneath a nearby overpass. OK. Then she pulled a live, foot-long alligator out of her yoga pants.
The pair were warned against blowing through stop signs, and the state Fish and Wildlife agency was called in to investigate. Possibly in that order. In Florida, hiding alligators in yoga pants could well be as common as people blowing through stop signs.
She and her companion were cited for violating the bag limit on reptile collecting, which is regulated.
The alligator and all the other animals the couple found were released back into the wild.
The next alligator crisis came last month when police in Clearwater, Florida responded to a report of a home break-in.
Homeowner Mary Wischhusen heard a crash in her kitchen around 3:30 a.m. one morning and discovered the burglar in her kitchen. She retreated to a bedroom and called 911.
When police got there, they found the home had indeed been broken into, and the perp was still there. It was a ten-foot-long alligator, and it had broken into the house through a low window.
Ten police officers and two trappers spent two hours trying to coax the alligator out of Wischhusen's kitchen. Her only regret is the alligator toppled a wine case, smashing all the bottles of red wine inside. It was the good stuff, she said.
Nobody is sure why the alligator targeted Wischhusen's house. My theory is it likes red wine.
Finally, this week, a Gainsville, Florida couple decided it would be a nice idea to have a picnic on the shores of a lake.
Then an alligator decided to join the party. The couple wisely retreated, so the alligator came up and helped itself to a block of cheese, salami, half a watermelon and an entire bowl of guacamole.
Luckily, the alligator was full after that, so instead of eating the picnicking couple, the little monster went back down to the lake.
For now, anyway.
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