Monday, September 18, 2017

Simon And Garfunkle Parody Sum Up Trump

Quite a little Simon and Garfunkel parody here
Funny, I don't remember the classic Simon and Garfunkle song "Sounds of Silence" starting this way:

"Hello darkness my old friend  
It's time for him to tweet again. 
but first he'll have to check in with Fox news
'cause that's the only place he gets his clues..."

Yep, the song has been reworked for the Trump era. It's done by the Parody Project, who have a YouTube channel featuring classic songs redone and parodied to tweak our tweeting president.

Some more sample lyrics:

"That's how things get planted in his brain
where they remain'
and it confounds the science.
The problem is he's not alone
He tweets to people on the phone
that global warming is a giant hoax
perpetrated by the liberal folks
and he hires people that all think the same
that play his game
and it confounds the science."

Here's a couple of Simon and Garfunkle Trump parody videos from this outfit. The first is the "Sounds of Silence reworked to become "Confounds the Science" as described above.

Next we have a parody of "The Boxer"

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