Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Really Interesting Lesley Gore Political Ad

One of my favorite songs from the 1960s is Lesley Gore's "You Don't Own Me." It came out in the early part of that decade, and it's quite a feminist statement for that early era.

I love the forboding melody, the warning to the guys out there. Don't mess with her. And the way Gore belts out the song. Definitely the best song from 1964, or at least close to it. 

Now, of course, the sentiment in the song is just the way things are. Everybody understands women are not to be owned, controlled.

Gore, now 66, is still recording, touring and being active out in the business.

Gore has just put out a video, a political anti-Romney ad. I try to be nonpartisan in this blog, but I'm showing the video because I just think it's interesting. I won't say whether I agree with any or all the sentiments in the video. I know fans of Romney won't be pleased by the video, but bear with me.

What Gore did for the video is  the original "You Don't Own Me" plays throughout the video as a wide variety of women lip sync the song. There are written political messages that pop up now and then. But to me, the cool part of the video is how many of the women in it embrace the song as their own, and do so in such a variety of ways.

I love any kind of media that show how different and quirky our personalities are.

The vid is below. And in the interest of nonpartisanship, if anybody knows of a cool pro Romney video, I'll consider posting that too. Only if it's cool, though.

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